Dr. Lynnette Dray
Principal Research Fellow
Dr. Lynnette Dray is a Principal Research Fellow at UCL, working on model integration and data analysis for the ToZCA and LH2GT projects. She is lead modeller on the Aviation Integrated Model (AIM), with particular responsibility for AIM’s fleet and demand models, model integration and policy runs. Previously she was a Senior Research Associate at Cambridge University, where she led the Cambridge work on the EC FP7 MetaCDM (Multimodal, efficient transportation in airports and CDM) and Team_play projects, looking respectively at how CDM techniques could be extended beyond the airside to help mitigate the impacts on airports and passengers of disruptive events at airports, and at comparing different European aviation modelling capabilities. Other past work includes leading the TOSCA (Technology Opportunities and Strategies towards Climate-friendly trAnsport) project policy analysis work package, including developing a fast model for European vehicle fleets, technology adoption and emissions across all modes; shipping emissions and technology modelling with UCL’s GloTram model; and leading Omega project 41 on aviation emissions mitigation. Her PhD is in computational astrophysical modelling from Cambridge University.